
PhD Position in computer vision @LabHC, 2021

PhD position in context-aware affective human behaviour analysis @Laboratoire Hubert Curien, UMR CNRS 5516, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne Candidats motivés pour une thèse en IA, vision par ordinateur (computer vision), apprentissage profond (deep learning) L’objectif principal de ce doctorat est de se concentrer sur l’analyse du comportement d’une personne en prenant en compte son environnement, […]

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Kick-Off meeting – 02/26/2021

The kick-off meeting of the ANR muDialBot has been vitually organized on February 26 2021 with all partners. This event was the opportunity to officially launch the project. A summary of the scientific objectives has been presented. Then the discussion went on the definition of the specifications required to start the actual work of the project. […]

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Launch of muDialBot

ANR μDialBot project officially launched the 1st of January 2021. Some articles in various French media relayed this information: More information to come!

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